Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fursday with Nina

Princess Nina

Oh hi! I'm still here, too. When Victor's not chasing me, we still have our box and I have found lots of backpacks and duffel bags to sit on. This is my spot for watching TV with the beans. Last night, we chased a FLY through the house! We ran over Mom and Dad in bed and Victor gave it a good whap. Too bad he ate it... that bug was fun.

It's still adopt a shelter cat month, so please do what you can for our furiends still looking for their forever homes! Purrs and nosekisses!


  1. Dat lookz likez a bery nice place, Nina! I watchez TV fwom my hoomin bean'z tummy whenz he be in hiz chair. (We boff den takez nappiez). OK?

  2. You're looking lovely, Nina. And good going with whapping that fly, Victor!

  3. That is an excellent spot, between your Mom & Dad. Double scritchies!

    We love to chase flys, too! The way they buzz in your mouth is irresistable.

  4. I like your spot Nina! If I lived there I might have to steal it...

  5. Oh well done for catching the fly Victor, lets hope there's more flies tonight in the bedroom and Nina gets some fly-snacking in. It's always best to chase flies just as your humans have nodded off to sleep!

    Tee Hee

    Whicky Wuudler

  6. That's an excellent spot, Nina! We wanted to come over and introduce ourselves, we're Wisconsin kitties, and one of us is from a shelter, too! We'd like to make your acquaintance.

  7. Flys are fun. Too bad Victor ate it before you were finished playing chase with it.

  8. That looks a really cosy spot Nina! Great fly disposal Victor! :)xxx

  9. Nina, what an exciting life you lead! Between finding numerous napping spots and chasing flies, it's just a whirlwind existence!

  10. Chasing flies is fun. Maybe Victor will let you eat the next one.

  11. That's a great spot to watch TV! And flys!!

  12. Hi Nina! That is a great place for watching TV from! And wow, backpacks and duffle bags - those sound like a great place for naps!! And we think it is too bad that Victor ate the fly if you were having fun - we try to wait til everyone is bored with the flies before someone eats them. But we can see why he might get excited and eat it early - they are very tasty!

  13. OMC! Nina, we almost didn't recognise you with your eyes open! MOL!

  14. Boys! They always want to finish the game! They think it's all about winning and eating the fly. They don't understand it's playing the game that counts.

  15. Hey Nina!! You look so cool sitting on the couch!! Too bad Victor ate the fly!!Your TX furiends,

  16. Cool that ya ran over the Beins chasun the fly. We gotta do that!

  17. Yoo looks so beautemous Nina :)
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

  18. Those flys can be a lot of fun to chase around can't they.

  19. Good fly hunting! We had a dragonfly in the garage last night, but Dad wouldn't let us in there to chase it. Instead he caught it and rescued it. Where's the fun in that?

  20. It sure sounds like a fun summer at your house!

  21. Oh our one of our favorite things to do is to chase flies. You look very pretty sitting there Nina.
    Hope you have a super day.

  22. China Cat & I like to chase flies too!

    Purrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
