Is my tummy over exposed?
Originally uploaded by Tabbymom was B and V Cats
I's been wantin to show you my tummy, but we was so sad bout Oreo. Mom says I's a tummy-rub hore, but I's not sure dat's a nice werd. I thot I herd sumone say "Widebody Wednesday" but I disagree! Dis is a multi-purrpose pictor...
- Mancat Monday
- Tabby Tummy Tuesday
- Whitester Wednesday
- Furbelly Fursday
- Finally Furiday
- Happy Caturday or efun
- Easy Like Sunday
wow! yu gots a really white tummy victor. most tabbys donts hafs white tummys like that. yu deseerved to hafs yur tummy rubbed efurryday.
Mommy really, really wants to rub that belly!
ReplyDeleteThat is one scritchable tummy!
ReplyDeleteAssume the belleh-rub position!
ReplyDeleteWe're blinded!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRun run run beefore the FL drowns yoo in tummy kisses.
ReplyDeleteI never knowed yoo had an all-wite tum, VT. Yer tummy is witer than Mr TF's legs!
Dood, I like you. I REALLY like you. But there's no way in h-e-double hockey sticks that I'm rubbing your belly. That might give you IDEAS about me. Like, that *I* enjoy belly rubs...
ReplyDeleteOh it's snorgle time!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Man Victor, your tummy is just so snowy white.. momma says that is looks all cold and frosty looking, but I think that is just an excuse to "warm it up" with plenty of belly kissing and rubs:))
Wow Victor that is a beautiful tummy. Mom wants to blow raspberries on it.
ReplyDeleteYou are RIGHT, Victor! You've got a primo all purpose tum and you should get tumrubs whenever you want!
ReplyDeleteThe Woman is ready with her fingers to dig in and rub. She loves that fluffy white tummy!
ReplyDeleteYou have a wonderful white belly,purrfect for rubbing.
ReplyDeleteYou have a wonderful white tummy, Victor. I would love to rub it for you.
ReplyDeleteI fink Mommy is headin yore way to rub yore tummy, Victor. Yep, dere she goes!
ReplyDeleteThat photo works for every theme! Pawesome! Akshully, Gandalf is much more enthusiastic about assuming the treat position, so I don't know if I could ever get him in tummy rub position! And Grayson is all about tummy rubs, but if I move my hand away to grab the camera he sits back up!
ReplyDeleteWhitecat Wednesday
ReplyDeleteWow you are handSOME Victorkins
Mum is ready with both hands!
ReplyDeleteI think you've got all the days covered, Victor. And if I didn't know better, I might think I was looking at my own fine, white belly!
That's a great tummy and definitely deserves getting rubbed.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link for your Mom and Dad:
rub-a-dub-dub, sez mom!
ReplyDeleteYou're tummy's not overexposed, and you're definitely not a widebody, Victor.