Saturday, October 20, 2007

Photo Hunters: Practical

Photo Hunters

Implements of Destruction
Mom says this is the PRACTICAL side of Fall and hafin mature trees. These are the tools my beans have at hand for dis big job. They are rakes, a wheel barrow, a leaf blower and a leaf sweeper.

Our Yard
Dis is part of our yard. It's a big job. Bonnie an I sit in the windows an watch Mom an the boy chase the leafs into piles. Seems like a silly fing to do on a nice Caturday mornin.

Here are more pictors of our yard an da leafs an trees. Maybe later we'll show you the yard an leaf piles after they's finished playin wif dem.


Too Many Leaves

Helpers are welcome!

It's Fall


It's a big job.

Fall Trees

The RED Tree

Fall Color
Would the owner of the red tree like to come get them's own leaves?


  1. Those are great photo, Victor. You must be proud of those beans for doing all that hard work!

  2. Wow, that looks like a lot of hard work! But you have some practical tools to get the job done.

  3. I hope there are still some of those leaves to jump and play in for Eric and Flynn and Gemini and I tomorrow! That looks like fun.

  4. Wow, you have a big yard! All those tools are very practical. We have a very tiny yard (which is typical here in Germany) so we don't have tools to maintain it, just a push mower to mow the tiny bit of grass.

  5. That looks like my yard!Yer beans have practical tools to clean up the leaves.Mom needs a lot of those tools.She puts a lot of leaves in big orange bags with pumpkin faces on them. Strange.

  6. Great photos. A very practical thing for we humans to do. Our cat masters (our overlod Robyn is the subject of my photo hunt entry this week) think it pointles when there is a nice place to curl up and sleep!

  7. Hi Bonnie & Victor: we are sending some pictures to you, so be sure to check your email... bye!
    Maggy & Zoey

  8. That's practical alright. Our leaves don't fall until December, then the leaf gathering interferes with the Christmas decorations...

    Luf, Us

    Pee Ess. We don't like changes neither.

  9. Bonnie and Victor, it's too bad we can't get ALL the leaf owners to come get their own, but then, we'd have to go collect ours, too! Rats! But it's fun to watch the wind blow them!

  10. Those certainly are some practical tools for getting the job done. You have a really nice yard, even with lots of leaves! Our dad decided it's too windy to do any of our leaves today so he's playing guitar instead!

    Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

  11. Mom would like some more tools...all she gots is a rake. Well, actually 3 diffrint kinda rakes, but still, just rakes.

  12. Der iz enuff leavz here to make a furry nice nestee to hide in. Den you can jumpee out & scare da bad squirrelz & any vishus deerzez dat might mistakenly wander thru da yard!

    -Dr Tweety

  13. Oooo ... I like your leaves! We don't get those pretty colors much down here in San Diego an' palm trees don't change at all.

  14. wonderful photos!! have a great weekend.

  15. That is gonna' be a lot of work!

  16. Why do beans wike to chase weaves awound? I should think chasing wizards or mousies or birdies awound would be more fun?

  17. Mom blew out her back and twisted her ankle helping dad with the yard work yeaterday. It looks great, but it sure was a big chore for them.
    That is a beautiful red tree!

  18. You've got a nice yard - I hope the beans are all done cleaning up so they can nap!

  19. That is really really major big job~!!!!!

    I am cheering for you guys~!!! You are working so hard~!

  20. that is a lot of trees, wow ~The Fluffy TRibe

  21. That looks like A LOT of work indeed. We have lots of big trees too and while our yard is rather small we get TONS of leaves.


  22. I saw your post on Opus & Roscoe's blog and came over for a visit. I was so surprised to see fall photos and enjoyed looking at them. Yesterday I took photos and today plan on taking a ride in the home car to look at the pretty fall colors. I also plan on making a post with the pretty fall pictures.
    I wanted to mention that Charcolie and I have a lot of the same favorite things to do: eating, sleeping, & snuggling. Hope you will stop by for a visit. Would like to get to know you better.
