Thursday, October 11, 2007

Homework Helper

Homework Helper
Originally uploaded by Bonnie & Victor Cats
Wow, has it bin a bizzy week! It's like the beans gotta go out efurry nite! Don't they wanna stay home wif us? It's hard to blog wifout Mom's help! My boy is in skool an boy scouts an needs lotsa help an encouragement. So we was workin on Geography an Spanish an efun some scouts requirements. He gots to list hims chores, an the firstest one to amember is: Clean the Litter Boxes! That one's purty impawtant to me.

Did you see the wonnerful pictors of my Sadie Badie? I amost missed the post cuz of bizzy Mom! I gotta haf a talk wif her.

Oh, Mom made bunches of piles of papers in the lifing room. Since she was kneeglectin me, I grabbed a toy, raced into the lifing room, flipped it into the air an ran around the paper piles, then ran away again. Mom said I was like a furry tornado, spinning her papers all around. I just wanted to "stir" fings up!

Mom promises we'll be postin more pics an bisitin more furiends soon, sooner, soonest! It's just a furry furry bizzy week.

Can anyone tell me why she also went outside an made piles of leafs? Beans. are. weird. Nose kisses to my lady Sadie Badie!


  1. she maded piles of leafs 'cause she was inspired by your furry torando. she wanted to make piles of leafs and jump in them.

  2. Beans are wierd.It happens every Fall.They get super busy,then things calm down.We need to teach them about time management. Take the time to manage more naps and everything will be better. It works for me.
    Mom,why are yer eyes rolling around?

  3. Yeah, piles of leaves are fun! Beans are weerd, dey need to take time to stop and smell da kitty litter...which needs to be cleaned!

  4. Humans are so strange. I have given up trying to explain them!

  5. So you'z been helping with homework too?! We'z had spellings to do here that got me finking and now I'm worried about low flying vishus hippos! :( Since you'z done geography, maybe you can locate d'hippos?! ;)

  6. Sometimes it's necessary to run into the papers and spin around!

    ~ Sara

  7. I don't know about the leaf pile thing but I have to say I think tossing a toy in a leaf pile would be awesome!! Beans are busy, their priorities are never straight!

    (Thanks again to your mom for encouraging the Woman with the Celiac's thing. Having your support from the start really made this so much easier for her. She's finally feeling good and cooking!)

  8. Our mom has been busy, too. I don't see why they can't just focus all their attention on us.

    Good job on being the furry tornado. That sounds like fun!

  9. How could the beans go out efuwwy nite? They ARE SUPPOSED to stay at home with you guys, just in case you want them to do anything for you!

  10. MomBean says they make leaf piles to jump into.

    (But then they have to rake again. Dang, beans make no sense!)

  11. Sounds like your beans are very busy. But going out every night - that's neglectful. Thankfully you two have each other for company :-)

  12. Oh Victor,
    I almost forgive you.
    If you could send Bonnie over here to pound on Annie's head, and then ask her to sit on Smudge and Lucy for a week, I would be able to fully forgive you.
    Ur Cute SB

  13. Oh good one! Did you mess her papers up real good? Sometimes you just have to draw attention to yourself!

    My Mum has been very busy too, what's up with that?

  14. Piles of leaves? We fink you would have some fun jumpin' in them piles!

  15. Wow, you guys are really busy! Are you still going to have time to come to the party?

    Bonnie, we have one fancy collar saved for you!

    Can't wait to see you!

