Sunday, December 10, 2006


Your Elf Name Is...

Spicy Stocking Stuffer

Spicy purrs an nosekisses to my sweet Emmy!

P.S. If you didn't see it, go down to Bonnie's sandy hat movie.


  1. Sugary kisses and snuggles back to you, Spicy Boy!!
    ~Dixie Sugar Butt
    aka Emmy

  2. Dixie Sugar Butt
    Spicy Stocking Stuffer

    I think I'm gonna be sick.

  3. These names are grate! We should make a list. Mom? I need you...

  4. So you made the switch to beta too??? Good for you. The only reason Catzee and I have our own signatures is because we each have our own gmail accounts. Actually, Catzee got her blog because Mom wanted to check beta out. Mom's also glad to hear about other Linux/GIMP users!

    From Spicy Sticky Fingers
    aka Rascal

  5. Whoa... Here's Mom's
    ***Your Elf Name Is...***

    Minty Sweet Cheeks

    What's Your Elf Name?

  6. "Booty Snowballer" is Silky's name (I've already done mine somewhere else.)

  7. hahahahasnorthahahaahaa, oh wait, why am i laffin momma did this to me too!

  8. Bonnie it is indeed a new button on my side bar and you are more than welcome to pounce on it!

  9. Woo hoo! That was my elf name too!!!!

  10. Fuzzy Blinking Bum...what? My bum is fuzzy but it doesn't blink!

  11. Angie is Fuzzy Sugar Butt. Now isn't that right? We finks Dixie Sugar Butt is cute too.

  12. Hey, that's weird. I went back to check my Elf name and I got an all together different name. First I was Candy Cane Stuffer then I was Pixie SweetCheeks. Neither one fits me though.

    Anyhow Bonnie and Victor, I saw you two on Cats in a Box.
    Mom put Cleo on there too. She was put on Dec 8th and is #115. Gosh a Star Wars Kitty. Bonnie you were your real cute self.
