Friday, December 08, 2006

A Very Bonnie Christmouse Picture?

Queen of the Cola
Originally uploaded by Bonnie & Victor Cats.

Grr, Midnight, an Cocoa have challenged us to post a holiday picture of yours truly. In return, they will make a donation to Oreo's mom's medical bills. Does this count? The boxes have Santa Claws on them. I'll have you know, they are blocking the treat cupboard. Is that legal?

There's a picture somewhere from last Christmouse, when my woman tried to put a Santa hat on me and Victor. Guess which was more difficult? Nope, VICTOR was too busy tryin to catch and bite the hat!

I've buried that picture, but Victor's trying to dig it up again anyway. Now to think up a suitable counter-challenge for one of our "furiends". This has all kinds of Gatorrista possibilities... for a good cause, of course. Muhahahahaha.


Victor here. I has been diggin an diggin on Mom's puter an found the pictors she tooked of us wearin a sandy claws hat lass year. Better yet, I found this video I just gots to share. Enjoy! (listen fur the grrrs!)


  1. You look furry pretty posin' there Bonnie. We can't blame ya four bein' ticked 'bbout the treat cabinet bein' blocked.
    ~M,K,& E

    Purrs to my sweetie!~Emmy

  2. That is a wonderful Christmouse picher of you, Bonnie.

    Please tell Victor, if he would like to go for a walk in the moonlight with me and Mittens, we can teleport over tonight. (the moon is behind clouds here in the Big Piney Woods.)


  3. The video isn't working right. It says the Cat In The Hat, and that is all.


  4. Oh, we saw the video. Bonnie sure has a ferocious growl, doesn't she. She wasn't going to let the Santy hat on her precious body. That was very funny.
    Barbie-Lou & Taylor

  5. NO WAY was Bonnie gonna go for that!!!!

  6. We saw the video. Hilarious. We love the grrrs. It sounds just like Bubbles when LT comes to close.

  7. I'd GRRRR too if mum tried to put that on me. Bonnie, you have a really good grr and the hat wasn't hardly near you.

  8. I can tell you are really mad about the whole hat matter, Bonnie. You and Mittens sound like you have gotten together and practiced.


  9. Hee hee hee.

    Those were some loud growls Bonnie! She really is a fierce attack tabby!

  10. Pray for mom. Thank you

  11. I don't think there should ever be a requirement for a cat to dress for the holidays! I think you've totally met your challenge!

  12. Me and Mittens want to thank you for the lovely walk and the lovely song.

    We are sorry Mistrie didn't come but she was so tired after teleporting over to see Gree from the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats and then Gree came over here today. They shared kitty secrits and did gurl stuff.

    Next time you will have to come here Victor (in the springtime, when it warms up, maybe)


  13. I think that should count as a Christmas picture. It seems festive enough! If I had any treats on me, I'd share them with you, Bonnie.

  14. You look so beyooooooootiful and dignified in that picture sittin' up all straight and stuff!

  15. You have a really good GRR, Bonnie. That's just what those cat-sized Santa hats deserve.

  16. You look just lovely sitting on your Coca Cola present

  17. Wow Bonnie, you're in the movies and you look great. I am very jealous. Faz
