Monday, October 02, 2006


No stoopid lawn-dry bag is gonna keep me away frum my toy!

Mom's back frum bein gone a long time fur werk. Sumfin bout fallin into purty colors of mini sodas. The boy an Dad tooked good care of us, cept no bloggin an NO TREATS! I pulled the treats outa the cupboard a squillion times, but the boy didn't get the hint.


  1. The Dad's never think about treats. The Lap Lady has to say "THE TREATS ARE HERE, GIVE THEM SOME." Though he always rembers to give the horsie treats.

    Glad she's back to help you blog!

    And NOTHING keeps me away from toys!

  2. It sownds like the boy and the dad need trayning on how to take care of yoo. Withowt blogging and treets, yoo mite as well be hold up in gwantanamo. HOW DID YOO SURVIVE? Yoo need to rat 'em owt to yer Mom. That way she won't leeve anymore to look at leeves.

  3. So glad to see you back Victor. Bet you sure are glad Mom is back if them guys wouldn't give you any treats. She needs to write a note and leave it on the table with directions, but I bet they wouldn't even look at it. Did you get your toy back?? Sure hope so. Say hi to Bonnie for me.


  4. Glad to see y'all back! We hadded fun wif you Victor when you camed ofur! We should do that again sometime.

  5. Its much better with the mom. Time for treats and hugs and purrs.

  6. We missed seeing picshurs of you. Laundry is a good stinky fing to get into.

  7. You ever get stuck in those laundry bags? They look kinda fun to play with though. Did your mom get any pictures of those purty colors in mini sodas?

  8. Oh, we are glad you Mom is back. We missed you!
    And no treats! That is just wrong.

  9. Ya know, there is something wrong with men peeps. They always remember the stoopid dog has treats in the cupboard, but they never think about the cat.... Okay perhaps I got issues. Come visit when you get a chance. Very cool pics. on your post.

  10. Yer back!!!! We missed yoo sooooo much. Hope yoo had a relaxing time and are ready to tell us all abowt it!

  11. Get it, get that lawn-dry bagthingy ~Merlin, shadow, Ko KO

  12. Victor, its the same here. The Haddy never ever gives us treats only my Hummy ... wonder if its a gender thing? I hope not because most of the kittens are going to men this time around, I think I am starting to feel sorry for them.

  13. What a bite, Victor! Did you get your toy back?


  14. Victor, you are too cute tryin' to get your toy! Did ya get it? And glad your mommie's back from her great vacation!

  15. Oh no treats! That's no fun. I'm glad your Momma's back!

  16. In our house it's always Mom that give treats. I don't think Dad even knows where the bag is!

  17. No treats :/ That's no fun Victor! Good fing your Mommy's home!
    We wundered why yall wasn't postin. Course you prolly said bout it a squillion naps ago and we forgotted.
    Good job wif the laundry bag. Don't let it get in yer way!
    Sanjee, Pepi, Gree, Mini and Boni

  18. We is back! Well, a little anyways. Momma says we can go down our list of favorite cat blogs and post, in a couple, a day. Guess that is bedder than nothing!


  19. Good to see you back Victor, I missed you. Ya, I think your daddy and the boy need a good talking too, no treats the entire time mommy was gone...there is just something wrong about that.

  20. OOO, the waundry basket...mommy has one like that, cept thers no holes in hers..I like to climb down inside them, and wait fur someone to walk by, and then I pounce. It is so funny!

  21. Oh, that looks like fun. We don't have a laundry bag, we have a wicker basket which I use for a scratching post, it is kind of beaten-up looking!

  22. No treats is bad news. Our beans are locking us up, but thay haf left squillions of Tem-tay-shuns furr us.We want to wish yoo an early happy purrfday,(or is it gotcha day) cuz we can't yoos the compooter on the rite day on acownt of being locked up furr the rest of the munf.

  23. No treats! Poop in the laundry.

  24. that's too bad of them, those guys! like gigolo said, you shoulda left THEM presents. glad your mom's back; we's missed you!

    purrs from the meowers

  25. Boy and dad need some training on bloggin and how to treat cats!

    Hey, by the way, thanks for comin' over and playing in our caption contest!

  26. Nice job. Yoo sure know how to demand what yoo want!

  27. It's good to have you back! I can tell that the laundry bag is no match for your strength and skill, Victor. It deserves every lashing you bring upon it!

  28. Glad to see you back! You sure are showing the laundry bag who's boss - well done!

  29. What marvelous pictures! You deserve treats for being so beautiful.

  30. Looks like tug of war! heehee

    Purrs - The Kitty Cats Corner cats

    PS: Aprillee won the most views on our site!
