Thursday, August 17, 2006

Alex Dentist Strengthens Cat's Teeth with Gold Crowns

(click the picture, too)

And you thought cat bloggers were crazy!?!?! This is REALLY weird.

From The Herald Bulletin:

Alex dentist strengthens cat’s teeth with gold crowns
Gold teeth have become a popular fashion trend among hip-hop stars and rap moguls in Hollywood. Dr. David Steele may have just given this fad a whole new twist when he gilded his feline’'s choppers.

To read the rest of the story, click here.


  1. Um why? I think gold teeth on humans look stupid. Why couldn't he just put on white crowns or something. Now the kitty just looks plan silly.

  2. HILARIOUS! The only thing that would make it better is if he had put diamond-encrusted gold on his teeth!

    MC Yellow Eyes!

  3. I wunt dimunds on my teeth! They'd go perfect with my tiara and the t-shert that Kismet gave me with the bling on it!

  4. would this mean that we don't has to get our teefs brushed?

  5. Hmmm...interesting, but it makes you wonder why PETA hasn't commented on the statement that "it was a fun thing to do". We agree with Ayla though, why gold? If he wanted to insure against breakage of the bottom teeth, white crowns would have sufficed. We think the dentist did this to get his name in the news!

  6. He looks like a vampire kitty!

  7. Now, that cat is just plain scary! I am hiding.


  8. Oh my gosh!! Skeezix told us about this and I just can't believe it! I don't think it would be fun to have gold teefies...wouldn't they be really heavy? Could you close your jaw normally??

  9. Mittens, I was startled too. I can unnerstand tryin to keep the cat's teef safe, but gold?!?! He's ready fur Halloween, alright.

    'magine what an aminal shelter could do wif the $1,800 in that cat's mouf?!

  10. Seriously, this is just nuts! We agree with Bonnie (and not just 'cause that's our mom's name, too!) - a shelter could really do some good with $1800 - arrgh!

  11. The owner must have way to much money. I agree with Buzzerbee and Meep. That would go a looooonnnnng way to help a shelter.

  12. We'd rathur have a gold 'nip mowse to play with. Then we wuld be super cul and evaryone wuld want to play with our gold 'nip mowse so we'd be the cullest kitties on the, the the unnnneeverse!!

  13. The VET is bad enuf. I shure dun need to be seeing the dentist too.


  14. Now that's some serious bling-bling! I had normally thought gold teeth were a bit much, but now, I know they're a bit much!

  15. I saw that on the web yesterday....too much! Now all he needs is a gold necklace with a big medallion hanging off of it and some bit-- I mean ladies hanging of his paws.

  16. maybe he should have gotten him some braces too...

  17. I saw this in an email yesterday! I think it's hilarious, but a bit much!! Weren't they a couple thousand dollars to get done?! Crazy! He's a gorgeous kitty...minus the grill!! ;)

  18. Nuts. I'm sure there must be a better way to spend that amount of money.

  19. Holaaaaa Victorrrrr! are you there? =^^=

  20. Holaaaa Bonnie´s are you there? =^^=

  21. Mommy says her own crowns are spensive enough. I nefur saw her wearin now crowns tho. What Mommy? On your teef? I finked that crowns goed on heads like Skeezixes tiara! THOSE gold fings are crowns? Weeeeeeeeird. Please don do dat to me Mommy! I'm gonna go hide now!

    ~~ Sanjee
