Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fursday with Nina

Curled Nina
Originally uploaded by Tabbymom Jen
Oh! Mom and Dad were watching TV and I was so relaxed, I let Dad touch my tummy! Not for very long, of course - that's my private no-touch area. I like how shiny my fur looks, with many colors and pretty stripes.


  1. We don't like having our tummies touched either

  2. Your fur does look shiny and beautiful :-)

    I have four cats, three like to have their tummies stroked but one (Molly) is a absolute NO!

  3. Bee-utiful furs you have there Nina! You look so much like our sister, Lilly, who followed your sister, Bonnie, to the bridge two years ago.

  4. Tummies are private areas and everyone should ask permission before touching them!

  5. Nina you do look gorgeous! And we are with you on the tummy rubs - a couple seconds and then it is time to put the bitey on!

  6. We like your pretty stripey shiny fur, too!

  7. Yes Nina, tummy rubs must be meted out sparingly. Let the humans think they are getting something special!

  8. Nina, you are a beautiful kitty with a coat of many deep and lovely colours! Someone of your unique beauty has to dole out affection in little doses, so as not to oFURwhelm the hoomans.

    I don't know if you saw yourself on the LOLSpot on World Cat Day, but you're there.

  9. You have lots of pretty colours in your furrs. We like having our tummies tickled.

  10. That was nice of you to let your dad touch your tummy, even if it was just for a little bit...

  11. Ooh, we LIKE havin our tummies rubbed. TBT is so gentle it puts us ta sleep purrin...

  12. Happy Gotcha Day, gorgeous Nina!!!
