Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tabby Tail for Tuesday

Curly Tail
Originally uploaded by Tabbymom Jen
Dis my tail. Mom says I curl it funny, but it feels rite to me! Nina an I is bizzy watchin birds an don't want pictors.


  1. Dats a very nice curly tail, Victor!

  2. Victor we think your curly tail is very cute!

    Have fun watching the birdies!!

  3. Victor, I gots a curly tail like yours! I'll get Daddy to get a picture of it to show.
    xx May Ling

  4. That is a unique tail! Here, all our tails are usually straight, except sometimes we do the question mark tail when we're asking when we're getting dinner.

  5. We like yoor tail Victor, furry uneek! Zippy's curves up over her back except when she's really acited. Da rest of us just haf regular 'ol boring tails.

  6. That's very nice and curly Victor! Our brother sometimes has a curly tail and our mummy loves it!
    Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla

  7. We love your curly Q tail, Victor!

  8. Ooh, we tried ta to that tail curl. We cant... Cool!

  9. your tail is all tabby like my kip! cute! you are like lots of dif cats patchworked together! best of all worlds!
