Mom, der's more to bloggin den Wordless Wednesday. You is so far behind, we efun missed da deadline fur yur purrformance review! Sloppy, sloppy. Got anyfing to say fur yurself?
Exhibit A:

Dat's DAD. Him don't help us blog. An anywho, couldn't you guys haf left dat cold wet stuff OUTside?

Oh, but Victor, it's dry here and just LOOK at all the toys Mom pulled from inside the closet where the boots and snowpants hide! See the toys by my tail?

Wate, is dat my MOUSIFUR? ::play play play::
I'm going to get YOU, Victor! ::butt wiggle, butt wiggle... POUNCE::
::Leaps in the air:: I can chase you, too! ::run run run::
Oh, gotta run! Bye! ::run run run::
Holy Mackeral!!! Glad that stayed up north! Sure does look a lot like Chrissymouse there!
ReplyDeleteYes, there are no excuses...even around here! Looks like you have a bit of snow up there!
ReplyDeleteYes, lots of boots, and laces and mitts to chew on and bat around! What fun for you two! Have a great time while Dad is out snowblowing. It's nice and warm where you are at least.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to cat toys, boot laces trounce mousies 97.4% of the time.
ReplyDeleteWow that sure is a lot of the wet stick to your furs white stuff. wow
ReplyDeleteThat looks like Evil, Ohio. I might get nightmares now...
ReplyDeleteyep, no excusies!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease don't send that white stuff down south.
ReplyDeleteWe don't like it when our peoples bring in the snow either.
ReplyDeleteYikes! That is a lot of snow.
ReplyDeleteOMC! That's a lot of snow!!
ReplyDelete"::butt wiggle, butt wiggle... POUNCE::"
:::faints::: waayyyy toooo much snow.......................
ReplyDeleteSniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mom is glad we live in Las Vegas.
ReplyDeleteYep your snow is deeper than our, our entry way looks the same, lots of boots.
ReplyDeleteSnow is no excuse!!
ReplyDeleteHeheheheheh!! Looks like lots of fun!! Brrrrr!! I am glad tha cold is not here in Texas!!
ReplyDeleteSamantha & Maverick
I hate that first picture, because I know that could be coming here in not too long. Blech! We are ok with you guys not blogging so often right now - we know it gets busy (although I do have to admit I check often, because honestly when Victor spins it just makes me insanely happy to picture it - I have no clue why but it is one of those things that just always makes me smile!) We just hope things are good with you and Nina and we know your mom will help you blog when she can. Just be sure that next time you do something so fun you spin (seriously I think I have read the post-Thanksgiving post about 50 times because it is so cute to read and when I have a bad day, which is every day, it really does cheer me up).
ReplyDeleteO mai goodness! Dat iz a LOT of snow. And yer Dad sure blows hiz snow neat!
ReplyDeleteYou got way more snow than we did, even thought we gotted a lot!
ReplyDeleteMom is trying to convince dad to buy a snowblower this year. He says the driveway isn't long enough to need one. Well, 'cause of his bad leg he can't shovel this year and mom had a real hard time with the 8" in the last storm. Then when the plow went by....oh boy!
Hey, we haf one of dem red snow eaters! Mom was driving ours around and it was throwing up snow and ice balls. Da nice part of snow is dat we get to sit in da window, right above da heat blower, and watch mom rassle wif it.
ReplyDeleteThat is some SERIUS snow outside at yer place! We wouldn't bother any Bein fighten wif THAT! We think that snow is higher than our upright tsails... Iffen our tails were high out in THAT!
ReplyDeleteWe hope you didn't get much more snow today and yesterday!
ReplyDelete~ The Bunch
Goodness that's a lot of snow. Brrr... I think Mom needs to stay inside and help you blog. (Like I have any room to talk ... we've been pretty slack lately.)
You two are havin' way too much fun with that snow an' all of those toys!
Wowsie, you win! That's a lot of snow, Victor. I hope the catnip plants are safe.
ReplyDeleteMany purrs, Siena Snowfox
Yup, the best part of a snowstorm is the extra long shoelaces on the boots! If only they weren't attached to those big heavy boots.
(Glogirly's cat)
Now yoo gots a REAL snowstorm. We got some snow last night, bout half high as me. We could build big forts in yur snow! Haf fun playin wif dat mousifur fing.