Friday, November 13, 2009

Hippo Birdie Two... Party?

Back on Halloween, it was our good furiend Pasta's purrthday! YOU know Pasta, she's da Supreme Ruler of Flickr! An she's @Pasta_the_cat!

Cuz of Halloween an Guy Fawkes Day, Pasta's purrthday sellibration is TODAY! An it just so happens, Nina an I is all alone at home today. Wif catnip, treats, bloo tuna gizzies, temptations, an catnip.

What to do, what to do...

Pasta, we wants to wish yous a furry, furry happy purrthday!
Hippo Birdies Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdies Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdies Deer Pasta,
Hippo Birdies Two Ewes!
... an many mooooooores!

Oh, Victor, did you forget? It's also Mom's birthday! ::purr purr purr:: 
Happy Birthday, Mom! ::rub::


  1. Hmm, no beans, nip, treats, bloo tuna gizzies and Pasta's purrthday...we say house trashing purrthday party! Happy Purrthday to Pasta.

  2. Oh noes! I missed Pasta's birthday? She's gonna be upset with me. :(

  3. Misha, yur not too late! Yur early! This is for Caturday!

  4. Happy Birthday, Mom and Pasta. I think a birthday bash is in order with all that good stuff and no beans around.

  5. Happy birthday to Pasta, AND to your mum! Make sure you give your mum lots of birthday snuggles when she comes home.

  6. Happy Birthday to Pasta and to your Mom too!! We're going to grab a bloo tuna gizzie and join the singing.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  7. Two birthdays! What a happy day! Dad said your Mom turned 40 today, but that's only, like, four or five in cat years, so she's really younger than me. Wow! Who knew she was so young?!?

  8. Happy Purrthday to Pasta & the Mom... enjoy your nip Victor & Nina

  9. Happy Birthday to Pasta!! And your mom!! We're with Zippy, Sadie and Speedy...a house trashin' party is in order!

  10. Happy Happy birtfday a lots of big big smoochies to your momma!!
    make sure you run her round and make her play lots and lots!!
    Mommas like to run after us.. it makes them feel young!.. even though they says otherwise.
    Happy Birfday lots Vic's momma!!

  11. Happy Birthday to your mama, Victor and Nina! And to your friend, Pasta, too! Isn't that cool -- two, two, two birthdays in one!

  12. Happy Birthday to your momma! Sounds like double the partying at your place...I'm ready willing and able to help trash the house!

  13. Happy Purrfday to your Mom! We'll all be over for those blootunagizzies!

    Luf, Us

  14. Happy purrfday to your mom and to Pasta too. Yayy! Double the party fun.

  15. Hey Cory-- we's just over the river--can we hitch a ride? Mumma STILL hasn't bought our boogie mat!!

    Is all yoo hafta do is fly to the Camas mill an turn left. We's at the purple house an we'll be ona deck so yoo can find us!! Thx.

    Victor, will yoo teach Smokey to spin?? I can, an do it ver-tik-aly, but he's still young, an just wants to pounce an run!

    Some bloo-tuna gizzies an niptinis sound good--lifing wif a young man-cat is persautin!!

    See yoo in a bit!

    Luff from Meepsie, Smokey & Old Mumma Jan('cept we're leafin her home!!)

  16. Whooohooo, Party time, no beans and lots of goods to eat, nip out etc.

    Happy Purrthday to Pasta and to TabbymomJen too. Headbonks all around.

  17. Happy birthday to Pasta! And to your mom!

  18. Happy purrthday to Pasta and your momma!


  19. Happy purrthday to Pasta and your Mom! And it's the Giant Kitty's purrthday today!


  20. Happy Birthday, Mom!

    I bet Nina is really enjoying that catnip. A friend of mine gave me live catnip. None of our cats cared about it until I dried it in the dehydrator. Then they would roll around with it on some towels!

    To anyone reading this - please visit my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. We need to raise funds – one of our abandoned cats, Panther, has to have her remaining 4 teeth removed due to the Caleci virus.

    And you might decide to sign on as a follower to my blog since it has stories and information helpful for cat lovers everywhere.
    Thank you,


  21. Happy Birthday to your Mom and more importantly to Pasta!
    *ducky hugs*

  22. You two are so friendly to sing happy birdies to your friends!

  23. Happy Birthday Mom and Pasta too!

  24. Hapy birthday to the two birthday ones, mom and Pasta. The birthdays are the greatest and I hope your celebration lasted the day long.

  25. Happy Birthday to your friend Pasta and your mom :)

  26. Hi, Nina and Victor - thanks for commenting on my posts for Panther and Fitzroy.

    Debby and the many feral/abandoned ones here.

  27. We don't know Pasta but we think it is great that you are having a party for her - wish her a happy birthday for us.

    And for your mom (imagine this is being sung by the kitties)
    What day is today?
    It's Victor and Nina's moms Birthday
    What a day for a Birthday!
    Let's all have some cake!

    Ok, it seriously works better in person because I have no idea how to describe the melody - but anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINA AND VICTOR'S MOM!!

  28. Wow, that sounds like an awesome party you're puttin' together, Nina. I'm coming!


  29. Are you still partying or resting up after the party?

    Sending blessings and best wishes to you, your family, and friends this Thanksgiving Day.
