Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hams of the Werld Toor, Day 1

I's so acited! ::spin:: 
It's finally Fursday! ::spin::
We's startin da Hams of da Werld Toor in Furginia! ::spin::
Furst, we eat at Auntie Deb's, den we eat at Smif field Hams, an den we eat da Wiener Mobile.

Oh, Victor, we're riding in the Wiener Mobile, but not eating it! Are you sure it's ok for Sammy Meezer to drive? Just look at all the furiends coming on the tour!

Acorse Sammy can drive! Him's a spearienced racecat driver! Drivin da Wiener Mobile is meezer-play affer dat!

Oh, don't forget! Tomorrow the tour will go to Mr. Hendrix's to visit Porkopolis and then come HERE to see the Oscar Mayer plant! ::lick lick lick:: Do I look ok? I want to look my best when we visit all these places.

Nina, ham don't care whatchu look like when you eats it. But yea, yur lookin good. Hai, wait fur me! You can'ts drive off wifout da guide!

Hurry, Victor!

Don't forget, we're also trying to raise some money for a cat blogger in need and a Catifornia shelter that has been extra helpful with the recent wildfires. Mom's been doing strange things at night with fabric, string, a machine, cotton, and nip. Then she tosses the things at us to see if we like them. Victor, what do YOU think?
Well, da first one had lotsa nip but ain't too interestin to play wif. She says it's a "ham" but it don't look rite. Da second one looked more ham-like... if you closeded one eye an lookied at it upside down, but no nip. I fink she kneeds to try agin.
You have to pounce the Meezers' blog if you want to purchase a nip "ham". Oh, I hope Mom figures out the right pattern soon! You can buy hams without going on tour and you can tour without buying hams, but bestest is to do both! 


  1. We've been getting more and more excited. We fink we might have eatid too much of Auntie Deb's breakfast. Hope we got room got Smithfield hams. If we eat too much, are there barf bags in the wiener mobile?

  2. Oh, this is fun. Well, all but Buddy falling on me when Sammy flies around those curves. If I hadn't eaten so much breakfast, he would have squashed me flat a few times.


    Hey, it isn't my fault there aren't any straps to hold onto in the weinermobile. If I were flying - um, driving I wouldn't be falling on you. Be glad Khyra isn't sitting next to you. She weighs more than I do. (No Khyra, I didn't say you're fat. You're a larger breed of dog.)

    Hey, pass me another slice of ham, please.


  3. WE hope you have fun on your ham tour - we aren't big ham people in our house but we are sure you will have a great time!

  4. Sounds like fun, we will check it out=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

  5. We're having fun on the Tour!!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  6. Thanks for the lamb help... but I still have others after me. I had to eat a little bit light today--well I guess the meant every got enough huh?

  7. We're having lots of fun on the tour - woohoo!!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  8. I hope the Oscar Mayer plant survived all the starving kitties and woofies. This tour is a blast.
