I's been watchin Mom's flickr activity an found these pictors. Ya fink Mom would mind if suma yous came by fur sum house trashin? Nyahhhhh.


What kinda snack is dat???

Dis is more like it!

Um... if dat's a bridge, it don't go nowhere.
Since Grr, Midnight, Cocoa, Rascal & Riley lif near my gram-beans, I asked Cocoa to check an see if Mom an Dad an my boy are wif them. Sure nuf, Cocoa found them there an gave them sum proper feline snoopervision. Mom spotted him, tho. Hope he don't get in trubble fur wanderin that far!

::sigh:: I's gettin bored astarin out the windoze an not hafin Mom to snuggle at nite. Yeah, I fink a little house trashin mite be called fur. Purrs!
Sorry that you are lonely for your mom & dad Victor -I'm sure they'll be home soon. Just take lots of naps, - Sinda & Neelix - & T. of ourse.
ReplyDeleteThose are very cool photos! It looks like your humans are having a nice trip. We'll teleport over!
ReplyDeleteAww Victor we're sorry you're bored. We're on our way over to help you trash your house. Won't be long.
ReplyDeleteTank u for the picktures. OK? You can come and playz with me. My hoomin sayz itz OK. OK?
ReplyDeleteOh, we would love to help with the trashin'! Where to start! How about a game of THOE! That would probably knock over a few lamps! Shredding curtains sounds like fun! Wanna dig in the house plants???
ReplyDeletewe're on our way over for some house trashing.
ReplyDeleteis that the loch ness monster in the ferst pikshur?
It would seem that your beans are at the seafood factory. You'd think they'd know you might have liked some of that seafood!
ReplyDeleteHouse Trashing? You can count on us, Victor!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be right over and help keep you company so you won't bee so lonely. When do your mom and dad get home?
ReplyDeleteAw, Victor. It's terrible your mom left you alone. We love a good house trashing party and we've got the big guys to help. Do you have a ceiling fan or a chandelier? Buddy loves to "clean" them, especially a spinning fan. Merci loves to toss silverware through the house. Percy enjoys using the cooking pots for drums. We'll be right there!
ReplyDeleteoh no! your beans are gone? that stinks. Bendrix gave you an award and we'll hed over with some catnip plants to help keep you company!
ReplyDeleteOh Victor, you can come see us and we can play.
ReplyDeleteYippeee! I think we need to trash the house!! Maggie is on toilet paper art duty, and I'll knock over all the trashcans. Huggy will hair up all the corners and Josie, well she's a goodie goodie, so she'll just snoopervise.
ReplyDelete-Jasper McKitten-Cat
ReplyDeleteWe'll all come ofur and keep yoo companee...I'm sure yur Mom and famblee will be home soons...
Hey Victor,
ReplyDeleteWe are going to be seeing your Mom on Sunday. We will give her some purrs for you if you want.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Your beans went to get so many yummy foods without you! That's unfair! Can I go over? We could play the whole night long, since the Giant Kitty is no fun at playing.
ReplyDeleteAwe Victor, how could dey leave yoo like dat! We'll come over and help trash da house and den yoo can come over to our house and our mom will give yoo some skritches and cuddles. We know she's not yoor mom but she's a mom and some skritches is better den no skritches.
ReplyDeleteuuh ooh Victor we'll be right ofur so yous don't feel lonely no more!
ReplyDeletehouse trashin sounds lots fun... we'll brings some good nip too!
Faith Boomerang: here I am, where's the paper towels?
ReplyDeleteSol & Smokey: Let's climb, mancats were born to climb. And shred. Oh, where's the shower curtains?????
BJ: I'm gonna sit here and snoopervise.
Missy Blue Eyes: Me, too, BJ.
KC: Hey, Sol, Hey, Smokey, wait up... us gurlcats are purrty good climbers :: outclimbs them both ::
See! Let's sharpen our claws and go.....! Wheeeeeee!
Sammy - ::runs in and looks for shelves with whappables::
ReplyDeleteMiles - ::Starts tossing pillows all over the house::
Billy - ::runs in and pulls down towels in the bathrooms and helps Faith Boo shred paper towels::
Hey Victor! Great House Trashing Party!!! I just knocked some stuff off the kitchen table...
ReplyDeleteYour buddy, Jimmy Joe
*hack hack hack barf* oh yeah! let your beans find that hairball when they get bacl. whoo hoo!
ReplyDeleteRight. I'm here to start trashing the house! I think I'll begin by clawing the sofas and then work my way up the curtains! Literally!
Whooo Hoooo - a house trashing party!
ReplyDeleteWould it be okay if I climbed the drapes Victor? Oh, it looks like Yao-lin is helping me with the curtains. Very good Yao-lin - that was an excellent clawing!
I know you are lonely, Victor, I can bring over some fish cakes and we can sit down and make a list of things to destruct... always good to have a list first :-D
ReplyDeleteJazper: Cool nip toys - you won't mind if I drool all over 'em would you?
ReplyDeleteDaphne: I like to get behind the curtains and have Little Isis pounce on me... you don't think your mom would mind a few snags in the drapes would ya?
Little Isis: Whhhheeeeeeeeee!!! ***rip!***
<<<< CRASH!!! >>>>
Chloe: Oopsies! Hope your mom didn't like that vase too much!
Not The Mama: Where's the remote? Big Brother's on tonight!
ReplyDeleteCome on efurry cat, we're playing herds of thundering ellyfants.
ReplyDeleteoopps, did your mom like that plant much? :: pawing at carpet :: gee, that dirt really digs in, doesn't it.
Faith Boo...
:: running gleefully with streams of toilet paper ::
wheeeeeeeeeeeeee... I'm super Boo...
:: Walking on top of the curtain rods ::
Wha.... are these lace... or, no, no, there's just threads here... GOOD JOB. WOW.
ReplyDelete:: from the kitchen cabinets ::
Come on up everyone and let's play Will It Bounce or Will It Break!
Hey Victor, I am here too. Oh, there is already a lot done, hahaha. Hmmm, where shall I begin...the bedrooms maybe..oh yeah, I love to reorganize the wardrobe :::kicking out some underwear::: ohhh, you must must see what I found....
ReplyDeleteWoohooo, the beans are gone and the cats can play.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the paper to shred, plants to eat and dig into the dirt. ::nom, nom, mon::; dig, dig, toss::
Billy :: on top of cabinets with Sol:: um
nuffin bounces!!!
:::Walking in the livingroom, tangled in a bra::: Okay, I have all the clothes out of the wardrobe and onto the floor. Maybe someone likes to join me in finding out what is still good and what can be trashed?
ReplyDeleteOh Yippee, more house trashing! We brought Moe and Jo our duck friends! They love to trash the house. Fill the sink and they'll splash and trash! How long do we have before your Mom, Dad and Boy bean are back?
ReplyDeleteYour FL furiends,
Hey, are we too late for the house trashing party??? Count us in to do some major trashin'!!!
ReplyDeleteWally, Ernie & Zoey
Ruis, I wanna help you with the clothes! I kin shred like nobuddy's bizzness!
If Sammy hasn't whapped all the whappables yet, lemme get my paws on some. Plus I've been getting good at whapping things off walls. Lemme at 'em.
oooh, yeah - after Midnight whaps the picshures down, I'll pull the nails out with mine teeth. it'll be fun to finally get to do it uninterruped. the Lady always squirts me.
ware kin I put The Big Bitey? lemme put my siggychure Bitey on sum cardboard an paper.
I'm gonna fly through the air from furnychure to furnychure - watch out anything that gets in my way! hey - Faith, way ta go with the paper towels an TP! have I effur told you how gorgeous you are?
I miss my (formerly) Blonde Girl. I kinda don't wanna destroy right now. Got any whippy cream? I'll put it on the kitchen floor an lick half of it up. mmmmm
Woo hoo - we got back just in time to help out with the house trashing!
ReplyDeletePearl - I'm off to open the cupboards and start knocking stuff out! Oh do you have any ottomans, I love to run and jump and scratch on them? I'm going to have to jump up on that table next and knock stuff off!
Bert - Are there any sinks to play in? I'll get my feet nice and wet then track my big foot prints all over everything! Maybe I should check out the bathrooms, a little TP artwork?!
Jake - I'm off to the kitchen, there's butter to be eaten, counters to be jumped on and dishes to be knocked off! Hey Victor - where do you beins keep all their cool train stuff?
:::still tangled in the bra::: Riley, you are shredding the good stuff!! Oh, well... never mind, maybe it becomes new fashion. ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh, no ... Visitin' 'beans aren't supposed to be gone furry long. I'll bring the Feline Americans an' we'll help you with some house-trashin'! Kowabunga!
We love trashing the house! We like to watch the shiny things make lots of little shiny things! They make fun noises when they hit the floor!
ReplyDeleteOops...someone already got the Toilet Paper...wonder if there are some paper towels we can shred.
Litterbox excavation is fun too - and don't forget strategically
placed barf!
WHOOPEEE - this is fun!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are here for trashing. WOOOOO Ceiling walking here I come
ReplyDeleteOh, WOW! Ok, trains is downstairs, Legos is in da boy's room, an papers is piled just bout efurrywhere. We only gots curtains in one window, but we gots blinds efurrywhere. Grr an ofur biters, the blinds can always be bited. Whoo-hoo!
ReplyDeleteGalump, galump, galump!!!
Oh my - we are too late? Everything looks thoroughly trashed.... Our internet was down... now we have to see if there are maybe some blinds left that are not chewed down to oblivion yet.... I HATE the internet - i so wanted to see my Ruis tangled up in that bra..... and no Emil to take the picture.... did someone else bring a camera????
ReplyDeleteOff to bite the blinds now, for good measure.
Karl and Mrs. OZ
I'm on my way dude. Professional House Trasher on the way ;)
your bud Pepi
lookit! we brought our Bedroom Cat, Max. we found out last night that if he sees more than one cat at a time, he's so scared he pees. got anything you need peed on?
ReplyDeleteI heard there was a house trashing party going on. Sorry I'm late arriving but it looks like it's still in full swing. Anybody up for dancing? I like to dance on the tables and WHOOPS knock things off HAHA!
If there's anything left to trash, Victor, just let me know and I'll be right over!
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDeleteI brought some shrews for the corpse fling. We had a grand time with this game at Mr. Hendrix's. I put these ones on ice so that the aroma will come much later. Right before your beans come home. Hee Hee.
Here Victor, I found this huge one under a hosta.
Wow! Great technique! Right behind the fridge!
I think that's worth double points.
Victor, are you still lonely? We can stop by before we head over to Germany for Dragonheart's purrthday party.
We came by to purr wif ya a coupla times. Hope that helped.
ReplyDeleteIt looks as if your Mom and Dad are having a very good time without you Victor. It is nice of them to have someone take care of you but it is not nice that you are bored! They should make it up to you when they get home. Maybe they will bring you a fish!
ReplyDelete"What" your all alone.That does call for alittle house trashin. I'll be right over with some tuna and
ReplyDeletecatnip :)
Aren't they back yet? Humans! Sheesh. More house trashing then! Muahaha!
ReplyDeleteI hope your beans get home soon!
ReplyDeleteVictor, Mom says that she saw your Mom and boy today and had a great time with them! They should be back with you tomorrow night! She said that your mom talked about you a lot and that must mean that she misses you a lot. Mom says she does the same thing when she leaves us.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sending your Mom out here to meet our mom. She said it made her summer.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
It looks like your beans had a nice relaxing beach vacation. We've seen those sand bugs before, they are pretty neat and fast burying themselves in the sand.