Wul, I thot bout it awhile an den asked my furiends at the Pet Purrs an Purrayer meetin, an they figgered out what it meants: Victor to VET! Wul, dat made me furry ascared. But Mr. Hendrix an Pepi an Ruiz an all da ofurs promised we'd haf a paw-ty here at my howse afterwards! ::spin:: It's good hafin sumfin to look forward to!
Obviously, I's back now an survived. It wasn't so bad! My nice vet-lady efun brushed me a bit wif a furminator. She says the owie on my nose (that I gotted just afore Bonnie died) is proly just a scar now since she rubbed an rubbed it an it felt kinda good. Mom's sposed to "watch it fur any change". Now the bad part - she listened to my heart while pettin me an it murmured. She wants me to sit on a specialist named E-Kay-Gee to see what it is. She'll set da schedule on Monday an then I'll haf to go der agin - it could be as long as six whole weeks afore I meet E-Kay-Gee.
My nice lady-vet didn't steal any blood an won't clean my teefs until after I meet E-Kay-Gee. Oh, an she DIDN'T use the F-werd or the D-werd*... I's only 12.5 lbs an dat's just right fur ME.
So den, acuz I was so good (maybe too good), Mom tooked me to PetSmart fur clippy claws. ::sigh:: I tried to hide my toesies, but the nice lady der founded dem anyway. Then we FINALLY camed home an Mom let in a stranger! She saided he was the gas man, but if he dealt it, I didn't smell it. I didn't wanna meet him, but I didn't hide or sulk or nofin.
So now, I's ready to paw-tay!
OH! Don't furget, I's also hostin the Carnival of the Cats tomorro. Yous can leaf a linky in my comments here or da yousual submission form.
* Fat, Diet
I'm glad you did so well at the vet's, and I wish you good luck with your EKG. Purrs!
ReplyDeleteI'm here with the stolen vienna sausages and a bag o nip! Let's pawtay!!!
ReplyDelete::takes a quick climb up the furniture to test it:: Ah that'll work. hehehe
~~ Pepi
PHEW! We're glad yer trip to da vet wasn't too bad. Nex t week you can come to our house cuz we're havin' a House Trashing PAR-TAY . . . yer da best spinner around!
ReplyDeleteBendrix and I are here! We brought our nip plants. I'm sorry your heart murmered at the VET, but glad you don't have to *shudder* diet or anything.
ReplyDeleteLets get some spinnin goin!
I am glad that your vet visit is over! I hope that EKG turns out okay and that you are well and healthy!
ReplyDeleteYay Victor! Yoo didn't get any toofies stoled. It wuzn't so bad goin to da vet. Let's eat and drink up a storm!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness you are back from the V-E-T and the torture was not too bad! I hope all goes well with your EKG, too. Now it's time to celebrate! And SPIN!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a busy day you had! We will purr that your meeting with E-Kay-Gee goes nice.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime... sure, I'll pawtay with you! Twist my rubber arm! =)
Glad your vet visit wasn't too bad. Sorry about the EKG, if it's 6 weeks away maybe your Mom will forget. If you don't think she'll forget, hide her calendar ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh Victor, we are glad you are back from the VET and we will purrrr that your EKG goes well for you! Now we heard about a party and anyone up for THoE!!!
ReplyDeleteYour FL furiends,
We're glad your trip to the vet wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.
ReplyDeleteWe thought you might drop by this past Monday for one of Cotton's cupcakes. We told her if Victor came by he'd sing "hippo birdie" to her (but not to Jan, she'd think you were calling her a hippo), but you didn't make it. Maybe next year.
Have a terrific time at your party today. You deserve it for being so good at the vet's.
purrs and tail wags
Dude - my vet lady thought I hadded a murmuring heart...but mama cq suggested she was listening to my lungs breving....
ReplyDeleteAuntie Julie, the lady vet, still can't find my heart frew all my floof...
Dude - E-Kay-G is probably a furry nice bean fing....bet it don't hurt a bit!¬
Coming home from the vet with everything you went with is cause for celebration. Let's purr that your EKG turns out well. Until then, let's get it started... where's the food, dude?
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks, Victor. Cotton is so excited you came by to sing "hippo, birdies" to her. That made her birthday!
ReplyDeleteDid you happen to stop by the Cat Blogosphere an read about the article on Chase? They were asking for cat bloggers to stop by and leave a positive message but when we got there and read those comments .... well, we got upset! We hate it that Chase's mom will be reading those.
purrs and tail wags
I think that a party is in order Victor!
ReplyDeleteI think your heart was just trying to talk to the nice vet lady!
we's here!!! we's glad that your v-e-t didn't steal any bloods or anything. 'bout the heart murmur - grampa norton hadded one his whole life so try not to werry too much. sometimes the v-e-t heard it and sometimes he didn't, but it was all ok. so try not to werry too much.
ReplyDeletenow, where's somefing we can whap?
we betcher heart wuzzn't murrmurring, it wuz purrrring. we hope Mr. Eekaygee agrees that yur in purrfect health.
ReplyDeletewe're coming to party after the Lady gets home. we're not allowed to mingle with others right now on account of she brought home a skinny long-haired ginger kitty boy who was abandoned last night. he's got fleas and he got a bath and a flea treatment, but she didn't have enough flea treatments for all of us, so we can't go out till she comes home and puts that nasty stuff on all of us. then we'll be back an maybe we'll bring the new kitty too.
Yay you are home. Mum never worries about little bumps. She feels one, then a few days later she can't find it.
ReplyDeleteBut what did your heart murmer? I love you? Or, I don't like coming to the VET? Does this EKayGee person translate these murmers so we know exactly what you are saying?
Nevermind, it is party time. Pass the niptini's and ham plate please.
Did da vet lady say what yoor heart was murmering? Maybe it was mumbling and not murmering...anyway, we brawt some toona joose and are ready to par-tay and help yoo forget all da bad dat happened today.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a relatively good checkup!
Thank goodness you survived!
ReplyDeleteLuf, Us
I'm so glad your V-E-T trip turned out reasonably well..I've heard o' that cagey fella...there's all kinna squiggly lines and stuff and then the v-e-t reads'em..and tell what your heart is murmurin'! I'll bet it's murmurin' " ::spin:: " !!!!