Don't hurt yourself!
I'z finking...
I'z finking bout feral cats an I'z worried bout cats dat lif in places that don't use Trap-Neuter-Return. I herd Mom say dat some places round up an KILL cats just cuz they's outside wifout their collars. How do dey know them cats is feral an not losted pets? How do dey know them ferals can't become pets?

I'z also finking bout how them feral cats live. They catch lotsa mousies an rats, but birds an rabbits an squirrels not so much. If the feral cats were goned, who'd eat them mousies? Do beans really wanna haf rats an mousies runnin wild insteada kitties? Purrsonally, I purrfur kitties. But I'z biased.

I'z learnt dis week dat there are beans out there who help feral cats. Some are wif Alley Cat Allies, some are wif the No Kill Advocacy Center, an acourse we know Best Friends. Pleez fink about helpin ferals. Der's lots more information you can reed at KC an Missy's blog rite now. Cuz they's finking bout ferals, too.
I'z just one little kitteh, but it seems stoopid to me to kill feral cats. Mom, can I haz a belly rub now?
Yoor really smart Victor, prolly smarter den some beans like, say, da Mayor in Iowa...just sayin
ReplyDeleteKC said...
ReplyDeleteAww, Victor, you's so smart. i's a feral, or i was. so's faith. so's a lots of our furriends.
that's what i finked when i's furrst heard about tha cat bounty... what will they do when it warms up an there's all them mices and rats and snakes???? us cats are important.
Purrrrs, KC
pee ess: we's lucky to haf homes.
ReplyDeleteYou are so so smart :)
I haven't thinking so much!
I should learn more from you!
WOWY - that wuz a lotta thinkin' - yer head must be ready to pop!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Will Ferrel doesn't wear a collar - is he gonna git trapped and disposed of ?! He is one funny cat!
ReplyDeleteVictor, you are thinkin' some very important thoughts. I know you are smarter than that Mayor and his Council in Iowa!
ReplyDeleteVictor, you are very smart. Many ferals can make excellent pets. We will try to think of what we can do to help the ferals.
ReplyDeleteI think you are right. You are a very smart kitty. I hope you got your belly rub.
ReplyDeleteThose are all very smart and important thoughts Victor. We know that you are certainly smarter than that Iowa Mayor and his Council, who aren't even close to smarter than a 5th grader, or a cat!
ReplyDeletewe so 'barrased to be from Iowa right now. At least we don't live anywhere near that stupid town.
Maybe you should go run for mayor down there??
We has been finking too! Our blog is dedicated to ferals today! Our Mommy is working with Alley Cat Allies!
ReplyDeleteYou are very smart Victor!!!
Kill kitties! Oh no! That's weal bad! I'm gwad we do the twap-neuter-weturn thingey here. But I've got a question. You see, for the kitties who get neutered, they cwip their ears before weturning them so the next time they won't have to catch them again. But if kitties wike us who own beans get wost outside, we do not have cwipped ears! Will they catch us and neuter us the second time wound? Oh dear...
ReplyDeleteOh wow you've been finking just as much as Ramses does,I'm impressed! :) When Mummy was younger and lived in a bigger house and had no Abys, she helped trap, neuter and return or relocate if the feral cat in question was too wild to tame and rehome... Some of the ferals were so wild that she had to handle them with gauntlets on and help the vet tranquillize them before he took them into surgery! After that they had a few weeks at Mummy's old place in a special room to recuperate and for Mummy to see if they could be socialized - many of them got placed at local farms to keep the rats and mice out of the cattle feed! :)
ReplyDeleteThose are some important thoughts, Victor. Spay/Neuter and release programs are important for feral cats. Just look for the notched ear!
ReplyDeleteVictor - Those are very important thoughts. As you know Huggy Bear, Josie,and Maggie were all feral kittens. And my mom was a feral kitten that was luckily taken to a no-kill shelter when she was pregnant with me and brothers.
ReplyDeleteI think it's just crazy that they will not consider doing a spay/neuter and release program in Iowa. Actually hurts my heart to think of those innocent little kittens and cats....
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
If only the dumb Beans in Iowa were as smart as you Victor!
ReplyDeleteYou are very correct Victor. We need to go donate.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm thinking that if a five dollar reward is offered for cats not wearing collars, what's to stop someone from grabbing a cat with a collar and removing it? Nothing is what I'm thinking, and there are very bad people in this world.
ReplyDeleteVictor, you are one smart mancat. I agree with all of your thinking. I think most of us at one time or another have been feral . . . or at least a lost sweetie with no collar or home.
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of feral cats where we live. We try to help them, but they run away fast.
ReplyDeleteVictor ... I totally agree with you. Mom was readin' an article on the innernets 'bout "bounties" put on out-of-doors kitties an' it made both of us sick to our tummies. Those people need to take a clue from what happened with the wolves in Yellowstone Park ... killing is NOT the answer.
Pee Ssss: Keep thinking ...
Does your brain hurt from all that thinkin'?
ReplyDeleteVictor. we are really glad that not all people are as stupid as that mayor. Fortunately, the rest of the politicians in that town got smart, and over turned his decision.
ReplyDeleteTiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I agree with you, Victor. Just because a cat's not fortunate to have a forever home from the start doesn't mean he/she doesn't deserve one and wouldn't be a wonderful friend and companion. We have lots of friends who are testament to that, don't we!
ReplyDeleteYes, hard to believe anyone wouldn't be ecstatic to have kitties around keeping the mice away.
You are furry smart Victor. That wuz a lot of finking. We fink you would make a better Mayor in Iowa.
ReplyDeleteWe's praying hard dat fings will change from da stoopid way dat dose stoopid humans are thinking. Oh my goodness. What if one of us got owt and couldn't find owr way back home and we were -- oh we can't efun think it, it's so awful. It makes declawing look like a walk in da park if faced wif what dey want to do. Oy.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that bothers us when we read about trappin "feral" cats is that they nefer mention checkin them fer microchips if they gots no collar. We dont gots collars but we is chipped (well, Ayla will be soon)...
ReplyDeleteWe've got three formerly feral fuzzies in our house and two of them are my best friends!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should become an official spokesperson for them.
Excellent thinkin', buddy, excellent. I think your ideas are right on. I hope you got some rest after all of that hard thinkin'.
ReplyDeleteYOur buddy, Jimmy Joe
Bonnie, you think more clearly and make more sense than a lot of politicians. Who with any heart would want to hurt a little cat? But as you found, there are a lot of good people who want to help these cats.
ReplyDeleteHappy St. Patrick's Day!
ReplyDeleteYou are a very good thinker Victor. My mom is a strong advocate of caring for all animals and contributes to Alley Cat Allies as well as A.C.A.T. which is Albuquerque Cat Action Team a no kill society that also fosters and helps find forever homes for kitties and feeds feral kitties and also has a trap-spay-and release program too. Tommy and I were abandoned and we found our mom. All cats should be given that chance to get forever homes.
ReplyDeleteWise words Victor, made me think about what you was saying. Lucky for all of the kitties that have indoor homes not to worry. Sometimes collars just feel uncomfortable but maybe they should we worn????? Happy St. Patrick's Day. Hope you are having a fun happy day.
ReplyDeleteYes, we wonder what the rodent population would be without the ferals to control it. Obviously the people haven't thought about that!
ReplyDeleteAww Victor, you are so cute laying there thinking. I am so glad there are people that help feral cats because they don't have an easy life and would like nothing more than having a nice forever home, sigh.