Saturday, September 22, 2007

Photo Hunters: Paper

Bonnie Taxed
Bonnie must beware of tax time burnout when sorting PAPERs!

Victor Bagged
Victor wonders why there are no birds in this PAPER bag from Wild Birds Unlimited!
This is a great follow-up to our post for last week's theme, PLASTIC!

PS This just in! Bonnie was staring at Victor this morning, and BLINKED him. For those who don't understand cat body language, it's like a friendly kiss. Bonnie refused to comment until she's consulted her lawyer, Finnigan J. Katz, Esq.


  1. great photo hunt you got here...check also mine...

  2. Sorting papers IS hard werk Bonnie, or is it cuz yoo cullapsed wiv the shock of being furrendly to Victor?
    Victor mebbe the birds wuz so wild they escaped furrom the bag.

  3. MomBean looks the same way when it comes to taxes too, don't feel too bad!

    (IF the blink wasnsn't recoreded you can always say it didn't happen.)

  4. That looks like a belly just asking to be rubbed! Also, is there a catnip mouse next to Bonnie? It would explain the look in her eyes. :)

  5. Wow Bonnie. That looks like my Beans desk during tacks time. It not so bad now.

  6. Those are fun photographs and perfect for the paper theme.

  7. That's a great paper. Mine features less paper than that!

  8. Whoa! So much paper...and I lovelovelove paper bags!

    Happy Weekend!


  9. Lovely cats in paper!
    Great entries!

  10. Bonnie, those papers look really, really tasty!

    My cat-brofur said that's a gud pitchure :)

    ~ Patrick

  11. Hey Bonnie--do you want to come over next weekend to roll on our papers? Momma's gonna get a big stack of student essays to grade.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  12. Great choice of photos! Mine is up too. Hope you can visit me! Have a great weekend! :)

  13. Hi Bonnie and Victor,

    I have tagged you for the 7 things about me meme.

    King Obsidian of Frostin's Court

  14. Thanks for visiting Sunny's new site.

    Bonnie looks like she's been working very hard. Is Victor supposed to be shredding papers in the bag?

  15. Bonnie, it is very good of you to help out with the taxes. And I am very proud of you for blinking at Victor.

  16. You have a very fluffy tummy. I bet it nice and soft.

  17. Well,it dosen't look too "taxing" to do the "Full Monty"! Nice ;)
    Mom says: Kitty in the bag!
    Kitty in the bag!
    Kitty in the bag!
    Yeah,I know, Mom's nuts!

  18. how cute! They are a great pair! My cats (yes they are awful cats) shred my bills as I am paying them. I hope your cats don't cause you as much distress!

  19. Victor--I can see why you were expecting some wild birds in that bag. False advertising I would say!

  20. What a great full monty!

  21. Those are some pretty cats. Great entries for this week and have a good weekend.

  22. We like newspaper and bags too! Nice us of the theme kitties!

  23. These are very cute photo of you~!!!! And Yes, lots of Paper~!!!

  24. Tax papers are exhausting and then you have to give away green papers.

    BONNIE!!!! you look soooo sweet there in that tummy shot! meowwwwwww
    and Victor, always sweet and innocent looking as usual

    Puuuurrrrrrrs Prinnnie

  25. We liked this photo hunt! You two are very cute.
    Your FL furiends,
