Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Prizies Arrivies!

We had 4 winners to our 25,000 bisitor contest:
Lone Star Purrs,
The Meezer Gang, and

The Meezers sed they's been winnin lotsa contests an didn't want no prizies. Catzee just hads her firstest purrthday! So we sent gifties to Meeko & Kiara, Derby, and Catzee, wif an extra fur Catzee's purrthday.

Wanna see what happens when you send nip nanas thru the mail to a bunch of nip heads? Well, here's Derby, Catzee, an her brofur Rascal. Also, if you look reeely close, you can see we used Oreo stamps! Purrs an luvly catnip dreams to all!


  1. Oh Bonnie & Victor, you are soooo lurving and generous! No wonder all the kitties in the blogosphere lurve you right back!


  2. sounds like an excellent contest! 25,000 seems like an awful lot...i'm just slightly above 3000.


  3. those're sum wonnerful purrizes an it looks like efurrybuddy's furry happy wif 'em. you gots lotsa vizziters. we dunno how many we gots cuz the Lady neffur putted on a cownter.

  4. Wow! I've never seen a catnip banana before. It looks like fun. I have some bananas in my kitchen now, but when Tracy opens them, it's just banana inside.

  5. I saw Derby with his nip banana. He really likes it. Thank you for dropping by my blog and wishing me well. Victor, having my toenails removed isn't really too much like being declawed, because only the nails themselves are removed. I had to do it because I had a terrible fungus infection which didn't respond to any other treatment and my bean vet said I really needed to do it. My toes feel much better now.

  6. Those were some great prizes! I especially love the nip nanner! You have big hearts, that's why you have so many visitors!!!

    Stop by my blog and tell me how you got your names. That's my theme for today.

  7. Those nip nanas are absolutely the best! Made me very glad (for a change) to be Catzee's Big Brother.

  8. Thank you Victor Tabbycat for visiting me! I would love to visit your blog regularly too!

  9. Hey, whare does you find nip nanners??? Sure am sum purrty stamps you used! I likes em lots! :) Fanks guys.
