Resently, we was all watchin a moofie in the lifin room. Here's what happened...
Bonnie was on the purr padd on the couch, an I wanted to lie near her. So I walked along the back of the couch an laid down on the arm near her.

She didn't hiss or growl! She was watchin me an her tail was twitchin, but she didn't hiss or growl! For her, that's furry tolerant. So we watched the moofie sum more.

Mom got a little bannoyin wif the flashy box, but see how close we was? An I wasn't tryin to steal her heart... this time.

Then Mom moofed in front to get more pictors, an Bonnie'd had enuf. That or Mom was blockin the TV. See, she's clearly sayin, "Enuf is enuf."

I guess Bonnie's tolerance ran out. But know what? Efurry time I's near her, it lasts longer an longer cuz her tolerance is improving. I fink havin more tolerance is better.
Oh wow! What a great tolerance example. I myself was tolerant with Kaze so I guess it was be nice to your sibling weekend. Gosh Bonnie, you're just stunning!!
Guy and Ma wish I was more tolerant of him but I refuse. He is a stinky boy.- Sultanfus
ReplyDeleteMittens will never have tolerance for me. Momma says she is too old and stuck in her ways. Oh, well, Patches likes me, so that is good.
That's a good example of tolerance growing. Zippy is getting more tolerant of me and it's nice not to be slapped and hissed at alla time~Speedy
ReplyDeleteThings are improving. Maybe Bonnie has accepted the fact you are there for the long haul.
ReplyDeleteGuess she was giving you a late birthday purresent. That was very nice of her.
ReplyDeleteEh, I have to tolerate Buddah, too. And now sometimes we play, and we play hard and I actually have a good time. So maybe in a little while Bonnie's tolerance will become acceptance.
ReplyDeleteNice lesson on tolerance, every kitty and bean should pay attention!
We love the picture of you watching TV together! Sometimes we are less than tolerant with each other too!
ReplyDeletePurrrrrrrs and big {{{hugs}}} to both of you from both of us,
China Cat & Willow
That is great that you are getting along. Looks like we can all learn from you and Bonnie about tolerance.
ReplyDeleteNow you're making me think seriously about adding another kitty to my household. I need someone to talk some sense into me fast. Catsby would be really ticked off if I ruin his standing as an only child.
ReplyDeletethat's a really nice fing!!!! Sometimes it just takes some poodins longer to learn to like someone.
ReplyDeleteGree wasn't very tolerant of me today after she got home from Mistries. Just because I bit her on the neck playing and wouldn't let go! Sisfurs can be so silly.
ReplyDeleteAnd,Victor, the "rainbow in my ear" is a blanky behind my head. heh heh
your bud Pepi
Furst of all, Tollurance is a big werd! Gud fur yoo for tackling it!
ReplyDeleteSecondlie, it's grate to hear Bonnie's tollurance is getting better and bettur. Pretty soon yoo two will be cuddling together and giving eachothur baths....well, one thing at a time!
Hey, Bonnie, yer the winner of my 200th post kontest! Yoo don't have a WhirlyBird, do ya? Let me know if yoo do, and if yoo do I'll just send yoo lots of extra berdies.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are doing well Victor, wearing her down... I'm a very tolerent cat and even got along with the female at my breeders who didn't like other cats.
ReplyDeleteYou jumped & took over the Purr Pad right?
ReplyDeleteYay, Bonnie won! Maybe yoo and Victor cood share da WhirleyBird! Dat wood be fun! Concatulation Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteVictor, I wonder if you could come over and teach some tolerance to our Callie. For some reason, she insists on screaming when I hide behind doors and jump on top of her. Hmmph, women.
Oh Victor, you are very very wise. I agree, having more tolerance is better.
ReplyDeleteI've been tolerating Cocoa ever since the day we wuz borned, but sometimes I've just gotta whap him. It's just how I express myself.
Victor, you did everything right and this was clearly your Mom's fault. Once Mom gets in our face with the flashy thing, we start getting upset too. That's probably what happened to Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteSorry this was posted in comments but we couldn't find an email address.
ReplyDeleteThis blog has been listed our site! Come over and take a look, make sure we have everything correct.
While you're there, being a cat, check out this animatorial:
LETTER TO THE BERKOWITZES written by Snowball (cat)
Animal Internet is a virtual soapbox for animatorials (editorials written by animals.) We're not just another ...STER site where “pets" and "owners” exchange pictures and grooming tips. We are something entirely new - a website run totally by animals whose mission is to publish and promote the free exchange of animal opinion.
She wuz being furry tollarunt. We don't haf to be tollarunt cuz we love eech uvver and allus snuggle wiv eech uvver. Sumtimes we haf a whap at eech uvver, but we don't mean it.Concatyoolayshuns Bonnie furr winning Mao's compytishun.
ReplyDeleteDearest Victor, I think you did your very best, not being too close, but showing that you care and just being not too close was a good thing.
ReplyDeleteGirl cats do get kind of snippy though, don't take it personally. It is in the nature of the girlbeast... mood-swingy and puurrrrsnickety.
by the way... both of you looked sweet there on the couch and I can see why mom got nutty with the flashbox thingy.
About what you posted on our blog:
ReplyDeleteMittens just isn't well. She throws up daily, seems to be hairballs a lot, so I am going to try and get her something. She stresses so bad at the vet, I hate to take her in, but may have to. She seems fine otherwise, not sick, just sleeps a lot.
Thanks for your concern
CalicoMom Toni
Wonnerful example. Someday Bonnie will probably just let you lay right next to her. Angie lets me lick her face sometimes. That's how much she has learned to tolerate me efun though I endlessly bother her.
ReplyDeleteVictor - Glad yoo got the berthday stuff!!! "Karen" is the name I had to give win I used the Food Lady's platik munney to by yer prezints on the innernet, so don't tell anywun, k?
ReplyDeleteHooray and Congratulations for winning Mao's Contest! Bonnie, maybe you will be tolerant and share your prize with Victor....or maybe not!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Purrrrrrss and {{{hugs}}} to both of you from both of us,
China Cat & Willow
MUCH better!
ReplyDeleteNow, if I could just make my sisters understand that. They hiss at each other all the time!
Yes, well, it's easier to be tolerant when the other Cat is behaving herself.
ReplyDeleteGood Job Victor! Neither Persephone or me can get Grumpybutt to even let us near him. We can just barely be on the same couch. And he only doesn't mind us on the bed (MY bed! MY OTW!) if I stay down by the foot with my scarfie (which is where I want to be anyway, and Persephone stays on the other side of my OTW where he can't see her!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're not THAT mean to Victor, Bonnie! ~Jack
Happy Birthday Victor! I know I'm late, but my Food Lady wouldn't blog! I missed my first birthday completely on Valentine's Day! I'm one now! Wanna spin? ~Persephone
I agree, tolerance is a good thing. Bonnie did seem to try for a while but got a bit nervous in the end. Give her time. FAZ
ReplyDeleteWhat a great tolerance example!!
ReplyDeletehugs for both!!
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«´¨·.¸¸.♥ Lunita =^.^= ♥.¸¸.·´¨`»
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I'm so sorry Bonnie...
ReplyDeleteFurry good tolerance!
ReplyDeleteThat is wonderful! Tolerance is very important, expecially with siblings. I'm happy for you Victor!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Bonnie is becoming more tolerant of you. It gives me hope that someday Jemima will do the same for me.
ReplyDeleteYou're both very beautiful!
Well, I tolerance Rascal but he doesn't tolerance me.
ReplyDeleteBonnie must be going soft or something...your humans must be furry happy with all this tolerance.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sympathy over my "weekend of starvation" trauma. I'm just checking back into the blogosphere after spending 4 days eating non-stop to make up for it!
Oh how sweet!! Kaint those Mom's be annoying wid da flashy pictor boxes? Hello!!??
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of intolerance in owr howse, but der is a lot of poodin in such a small area dat itz to be xpekted. Yup.
Flowers in the teeth is really FORLs. Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions, an immunosuppressive disease where the teeth rot from the inside out.
Thanks for the well wishes for our Dorfie!
Luf, Us
I'm glad you two are getting along better. I guess it is a lot harder when you haven't been together all your lives like Monica and I have been. We are pretty good at teamwork.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your visit!
ReplyDeleteI should do more CAT STUFF, as I have 5 in door cats and 2 "barn cats"--they are my passion!
(along with my dog, 3 goats, 2 horses, 9 chickens, 1 duck & 2 giant goldfish from my pond........)
I'll be sure and check in now and then!