Monday, July 31, 2006

99 Tabby Posts on the Web...

WOW! Mom says it's our 99th post an we can do sumfing speshul fur number 100! I wanted to party an Bonnie wanted to accept gifts from our adoring fans, but Mom says we'll celebrate in a post. I guess that's okay.

Charcoalie & Longhorn First of all, Charcoalie wants me to show you our new furiend from Texas.

Bonnie asked Zeus if we got any treats or sumfing fur bein on his show (she's always beggin fur treats). Zeus sent us a postcard wif long horn cattle an one of our furry own! It's our first stuffed aminal, so Charcoalie is lookin out fur it. Zeus, I'm sorry we didn't fank you sooner. I thought Bonnie would an she thought I would,... you know how it is. So, belated fank you, Zeus!


Here's anofur cow frum Mom's camera... or is it a train? It's part of a parade, so it's standin there on the sidewalk fur awhile... Beans are weird.

Now fur IMPORTANT fings - food! Dad does all the cookin, but last week, he thought he was openin a can of all-lives, an it was CRAB MEAT! Instead of usin the crab in dinner fur them, he gave it to US! Oh, man, that was the BESTEST stinky goodness! After a feast like that, I needed a nap.
Sleepy Kitty
Lip Smackin Aw, Mom, lemme 'lone. I'm sleepin here. ZZzZzZzzzzzzzzz


  1. Wow, that's a lot of posts! Our Mom is too lazy for that.


  2. hahaha. mommy says it looks like you are laffing in your sleep

  3. I bet you were smiling over that crab meat. I wish my mom would make mistakes like that!

  4. Ohhhh, crab meat! Emma says yummy! What adorable pix of you Victor T. Btw, there a certain special kitty that is gonna be Kat's Cat of the Day. I wonder who he might be....hmmmmm.

  5. Victor, you are so cute, oh sorry handsome. And it looks like you are dreaming of crabs.

  6. Victor you are a furry handsome cat. I've never had crab before, but Momma says she probably won't get us any anyway. Chey is too piggy.

  7. You get a double congratulations today. Congratulations on your 99th post and congratulations for Victor being Kat's Cat of the Day.

    Did you save any crab for your visitors and well-wishers?

  8. Victor, is that you smiling in your sleep? What are you dreaming of???


  9. Oh Victor that is a furry cute pixshur of you snoozing away to crab dreams?

    Concatulations on your 100 post that is way cool!


  10. I thought the stuffed cow would be the best thing for you since you could always remember me by looking at it! Did you name him yet? Is he easy to take care of?

    Also, you look pretty conked out there, Victor! However, by the last picture, I think you're having the sweetest dreams because you're smiling!

  11. So, Victor, you look very comfortable. Are you sleeping off a "crab tummy"?

  12. Congratulations!

  13. OOOHH, my babies are gonna be jealous, they get tuna on occasion but they have never had crab...luck you. And you have the cutest pics on Kat's today.

  14. Wow, you gotted a little longhorn. He would fit in with all of my little stuff guys.

    Yes, another smiley boy, dreaming of more crab to eat.

  15. I think you is talking in your sleeps!!

    Patches Lady

  16. Congrats Victor!! You are doing reely well and verry lucky to get crabby meat. We got new treets that is crab flavered!! Yummy in the tummy!

    That's a reeely good smiley pickher, yore so hansome!

    Finny & Buddy

  17. I just found your blog and looked at the videos too, aren't cats funny ? They play the same way in the whole world. I am german and live in Belgium (Europe) and it's so strange that I found just your blog, because you are living in Madison ! I had my aunt living there for many years (since 1955) and visited her and my uncle so often ! I always remember when we did the anual picnic under the Capitol. Was such a fun. I still have a couple of friends in Madison. I am quite new and also have a blog about cats mine (4) and others. So if you like to visit us on my blog
    and please give me some news from Madison !

  18. Awwww Victor you are the sweetest lookin' kitty. I'd have to take a good nap after eatin' that speshul crab meat food too.

  19. I hopes we don't miss yur 100th post. We might not be on the 'puter for a few days acoz the beans are goin away AGAIN! We jus saw the luggage but it was only a small baggie so maybe it won't be too long before they comes back.

  20. Victor you are so cute in this picture =^^=

  21. Waiting for that extra special 100th post.

  22. Wow 99 posts! We can't waits to see the hundredthy.
    You's furry handsome and cute in your piktures Victor. You's efun smilin like Derby!

    ~~ Sanjee

  23. Congratyoolayshuns on 99 posts! I can't wate for number 100!
