Saturday, February 25, 2006

Snow Day, Part 3

I can't resist one last set of snow shots, this time from the front window (Victor helped). Again, the first is 2/15/06 about 8 AM and the second is 24 hours later. The sun and warmer (relatively) temperatures are already melting it, except in back near the house, where it's in shadow all day.

And Victor watching the heavy snow starting about 8:30 AM 2/16/06. We had "thunder snow," thunder and lightning and snow. This is why most Californians don't move to Wisconsin! The Man and I are former Californians who decided we wanted some "real" weather. We got it!


  1. Great are ya holdin up?

  2. We gotted thunder snow that day too. It is slowly meltin.

  3. We are used to the snows.....doesnt make us like it an better, but then guess it doesnt matter cuz my Mom NEVER lets us out anyways!!!

  4. Out? I don't want to go out. But it's my first winter, so it's all new to me.
