Saturday, January 07, 2006

See What He Made Me Do?

The people think it's funny. I don't. They call it getting "booshy", and Victor made me do it. See how much he upsets me? Make him go away! -Bonnie


  1. Scouts tail does that when he gets startled or afraid. The people say it looks just like a raccoon tail!

  2. Yes, I do that too, no control, it just gets booshy. Happens to me when mom takes me on a supervision walk outside.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's so embarrassing sometimes to have ITS - Irritable Tail Syndrome.

  4. Wow, Bonnie, you sure do look scary with your tail all puffed up!

  5. Thanks, Wm. It's nice to know someone understands me. It has little effect on Victor and my people dare laugh!
